Monday, April 2, 2012

Beauty and The Beast

The Beauty and the Beast has definately been a successful film because it has survived the test of time and it is still very popular today as it was when it first came out, making it a classic. The film success was proven when it won two Oscars, one of the most prestigious movie awards. With a production bugdet of $25 million, Beauty and the Beast was first released in November of 1991 making $145,863,363 in box office sales in the United States and a total of $424,629,916 worldwide. Even though the movie is meant for a young audeince, its charm of simplicity was able to capture the atention of older audiences too. The plot is safe, having a beginning, a middle and a happy ending. There are no unexpected turns that might disapoint or confuse the audience. The plot is simple and classic, making it an enjoyable movie for everyone. According to, there are three major components that make Beauty and the Beast a success; one is the ancillary profits and comsumerism, there are all sorts of products that advertise the movie. An example of ancillary profit is in the following website; "Belle is a Disney Princess whose brand reaches far and wide. Expect to see Princess branding on consumer merchandise, food products etc, as well as in books, websites and other media," (  The possitive message the movie delivers to the audience also plays an important role on its success. "This timeless story has awlays revolved around the idea that it is important to see someone for who they are and not for what they look like. Also, brain wins over brawn," ( Beauty and the Beast can be considered to be a movie not only for mere entretainment but for providing a lesson to the viewers, the fact that the viewers are able to take something from watching the film its what makes the film even  more popular. The last component is the positive role model in the film; "Characters change for the better. Belle sees the beautiful person inside the beast and he sheds his anger and sacrifices his own happiness for hers. Belle is a positive role model who values intellingence, books and individuality," ( The more the audience is able to somehow relate or identify with the film or its characters the better for the film because that will increase its popularity, making it a successful film. The article "Flick Chicks" states that women portrayed in films cannot exist in real life, which can mean that Belle can fit into one of the categories Mindy Kaling mentiones in her article, since she is an animated fictional character, however, she does not fit into any of the categories. The categories that Kaling describes are by any means positive role models, and maybe that is why movies with that specimen of women are not very successful.
Recently in 2012 Walt Disney Pictures relaeased Beauty and the Beast in 3D, this version of the original 1991 film made a total of $47,279,363. Releasing this film in theaters once again illustrates its success throughout the years because most of the time it is only the most popular and also most successful movies that end up coming back, such as the Lion King, which was also released in 3D. "Ten years ago, 3D was a novelty, not a norm," (This Ain't Your Grandma's Dimension article) Today, many people are going to see movies that are released in 3D, which are almost twice as expensive as a regular movie. This means that the movie industry is making great profits with 3D films. Whihc is why they are making successful movies in 3D because if they were successful once in the regular screen, chances are it will also be successful in the3D screen. (Beauty and the Beast 3D movie trailer)
Beauty and the Beast was realeased in 1991 and even now in 2012, the film is still as popular. There are still thousands of products with the characters, not too mention there is a broadway show too and it has inspired films such as "Beastly" starting Vanessa Hudges and Alex Pettyfer.  Beauty and the Beast was and it is still is  a very successful film.

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