Monday, January 30, 2012

Media Intro Survey

#4. A critical consumer is someone who is not as highly influenced by other when it comes to purchasing products as others. A critical consumer ill look beyond what is being said in the commercials, by maybe doing some more research about the product, or simply by comparing its quality to similar products. Most important, a critical consumer will not be fooled by big brand names. Usually, brand name products are more expensive, and are advertised as being better than others, which is not always true in some cases. The critical consumer will notice this and maybe go for less expensive products that might work better than the fancier brand. A critical consumer is going to want to make the most out of his/her money. Also, the critical consumer will look past the appearance of the product. Many people will buy whichever item catches their eye first. When walking through a store ail whatever product is more colorful and bright is the one that will get the buyers attention even if it might not be the best product on the shelves. The critical consumer will take into consideration the products content and not its appearance or other minor details.
#6 A woman's role in society has greatly changed and improved throughout the years. In earlier times women had many limitations on what they could do. For example; going way back in time, women were not allowed to have an education, nor were they allowed to own land or to be anything else but a house wife. It is evident that women were seen and treated inferior as men, i was not long ago that women were given the right to vote. Today, women have about the same opportunities as men, but men are still often seen as the stronger sex. The role of women in society is extremely important because everyday we prove to be just as capable of doing the same things that men do. Today, we have women in almost all of the positions that would have been considered exclusively for men in previous times. Back in time, there was a certain way in which women were supposed to act and even wear but today there is not. Women can act the same way that men do in most cases. However, the role of women in society will always be to prove ourselves to be considered as capable as men, because even now there are people who still think men are superior.
#8. Media is probably the number one factor that influences Americans. Everything from TV shows, commercials, music, etc. The American decision process is based on what the media tells consumers. One example is in the ads on television, television is the most efficient way to stay connected with what is going on around the country and around the world. We watch and listen to the speeches of the presidential candidates and look at their promoting ads and base our decision on what the media portrayed. Same thing happens when a new movie comes out and Americans begin to purchase its merchandise. When Twilight first came out, everywhere across the country, girls would wear shirts saying either Team Edward or Team Jacob, the movie influenced this consumers decision on which clothes to buy. This happens with every popular movie, Harry Potter being another example. Artists/singers are also a big part of the media that influences the decisions of Americans. Popular singers influences how people dress, look and even act. the media is very influential in American society and it will continue to be that way.

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